
Enable Colored Logs in Supervisord with Unbuffer

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When using Supervisord to manage your application's processes, you may encounter issues with colored logs not being correctly displayed in the stderr_logfile. One possible solution is to use the unbuffer command, which disables buffering and allows color escape sequences to be printed to the log files.

To use unbuffer with Supervisord, modify your supervisord.conf file to include the following:

command=unbuffer python my_program.py

This will start your program through the unbuffer command, which will disable buffering and allow color escape sequences to be printed to the stderr_logfile.

Please note that unbuffer is part of the expect package, so you may need to install it on your system if it's not already available. On Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu), you can install expect by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install expect

Enabling Color Output with watch

If you're using the watch command to monitor your log files, you may notice that the color disappears when using the command. This is because watch does not recognize color escape sequences by default.

To enable color output while using the watch command, you can use the -c or --color option. For example:

watch -n 1 --color "tail -n xx /var/log/xxx.log"

This will tell watch to enable color output and pass the colored output to the terminal.

We hope this solution helps you enable colored logs in your Supervisord-managed applications!

使用 Supervisord 管理应用程序时,彩色日志可能未能正确显示在 stderr_logfile 中。使用 unbuffer 命令可以解决这个问题,具体操作如下:

  • 修改 supervisord.conf 文件,添加以下内容:

    command=unbuffer python my_program.py
  • 如果系统上没有安装 expect 软件包,需要先安装,可以使用以下命令:

    sudo apt-get install expect

如果你使用 watch 命令来监视日志文件,可以使用 -c--color 选项启用彩色输出:

watch -n 1 --color "tail -n xx /var/log/xxx.log"
